Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why should we eat carbohydrates?

We need carbohydrates to make glucose, which is blood sugar. This is the main source of energy that cells use to function. There are simple carbohydrates like sugar and candy, and there are complex carbohydrates like vegetables and whole grains. When foods are processed they have less of the complex or healthy carbs, and more simple sugars in them.

The easier it is for the body to get at the sugars the faster it enters the blood stream and the faster insulin spikes in the body to deal with the sugar called glucose. Then the glucose level in your blood drops very quickly, which makes you feel hungry again in the form of cravings. This starts the cycle of eating too often and too much. More glucose than is needed for the cells to function and use up means that it gets stored and becomes fat.

                                                 Zülal Doster

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